15 Nov 2011

Breast Augmentation in Toronto

It’s natural to want the best, especially when it comes to something as important as your health. But unless you can define ‘the best’, it will be hard to recognize it when you find it. There are several criteria to look for in a surgeon, but perhaps the two most important are the quality of the consultation process and the technical skill of the surgeon. Breast augmentation, also known as breast implant surgery, is a good example of surgery that can be mastered by even an average plastic surgeon. Creating a pocket and putting in an implant is not a difficult procedure, and so it is the consultation process that allows a top surgeon to shine. It’s at a consultation that the patient explains their goals, learns about the options available and the risks and benefits of each option. This consultation must take place entirely with the cosmetic surgeon doing your surgery. It is a lengthy process, and there are many consultations that take place over a series of visits before a final decision is made. If you feel rushed, or uncertain, try to understand why you feel that way and explain your insecurities at the consultation. By confronting these issues, you will improve your chances of getting the best result possible.

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Michael Kreidstein, MD, MSc, FRCS(C)

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  • Posted on Sep 6 2012 By Dr. Kreidstein

    Hi Adan,
    The problem with pills, creams and the like (as advocated on your attached website) is that there is no mechanism for confirming the effectiveness of these products. As flawed as FDA/Health Canada regulations may be, they do require studies to support the claims of the manufacturers, and safety is closely assessed both before and after release of the product. None of the products advocated on your site appear to have been screened in this way.
    That said, weight-gain is a well established way to increase breast size. Liposuction can contribute, as women who undergo liposuction of hips or abdomen and regain their pre-op weight will go up in cup size without getting big hips, abdomen etc. Fat grafting to breasts is less expensive than implants, but results and risks are less predictable. The Brava system can provide temporary 1 cup size increase, and enlargement can probably be maintained with continued use of the suction system. Many women experience breast enlargement with estrogen replacement (eg. birth control pills), so use of estrogen replacements under medical supervision may be an option for some.

  • Posted on Sep 6 2012 By Adan

    I am currently a B-cub and would like to get to at least a C-cup.
    I would just go and get implants but they are too expensive.

    Any products that are used for natural breast enhancement and are over-the-counter would be greatly appreciated.

    Look at my web page: breast enlargements

  • Posted on Feb 29 2012 By Dr. Kreidstein

    Hi Leilani,
    We have no personal experience with hormonal treatments for breast augmentation, but judging by the number of women who come to see us after failing with these treatments, they are not a useful alternative to breast implants.

  • Posted on Feb 29 2012 By Leilani Novitski

    someone utilized triactol bust serum ?


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