Cosmetic And Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
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Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Surgery to create a more youthful appearance may sound like a big step, but there is really no other technique that can create the natural curves, movements and highlights of a youthful face. Some patients request help with a specific problem area, and others seek a more global rejuvenation effect. Our practice philosophy is to recommend the simplest, easiest, safest, cost-effective route to achieving the goals of our patients. It is our capacity to offer expertise in procedures ranging from injectables to skin resurfacing, to complex surgical procedures, and our perspective gained from following our patients for 20 years and more following surgery that gives us the confidence to offer our services to you.

Facial Rejuvenation Technique

Face and neck lift surgery is the best known procedure in this arena, but brow lift and eyelid surgery are other powerful techniques we offer. Looking for something more subtle? Earlobe shortening! This is a fantastic option if you have long earlobes that contribute to the appearance of facial sagging. Our consultation is intended to help you understand the different options and help you make the best decision for you!


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