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Scrotopexy (Scrotum Lift) in Toronto

What is a Scrotum Lift?

This is an operation designed to reduce excess scrotal skin (and fascia) that arise due to age, family trait or weight-loss.

Who is a good candidate?

Our operation is designed for men with functional (and cosmetic) concerns caused by loose scrotal skin and low lying testicles. This condition can make many physical activities uncomfortable, and can be embarrassing cosmetically.
Scrotoplasty performed to pursue gender reassignment is a specialized procedure not part of our practice.

If varicocele or hydroceles are contributing to an enlarged scrotum they will require the expertise of a Urologist to assist either before scrotal lift or during the surgery.

Consultation essentials

It is important to bring your complete medical and surgical history to the consultation, especially if it involves your health below the waist.

Alternatives to Scrotal Lift

Many men can manage their problem with well-fitted briefs (not boxer shorts), but if this isn’t an adequate solution for you, a scrotum lift is a good option.

Costs of Scrotal Lift in Toronto

Fees for scrotum lift at our Toronto Cosmetic Plastic Surgery office (including facility and anesthetist) range from $4000 to $8000, depending on the extent of surgery that is necessary.

Preparation for surgery

We need you to be healthy and at a stable weight before surgery. We will provide written instructions on all necessary steps, supplies to obtain, etc. Scrotal lift dressings are easy to apply by yourself.Loose sweat pants are ideal post-operative clothing, and disposable adult diapers are useful in the days following surgery.

The Operation

Although possible under local anesthetic, this operation is best done with full general anesthetic to optimize comfort and safety. The skin and fascia (tough tissue under the skin) are removed on either side of the mid-line of the scrotum, and if necessary to complete the lift the excision is extended as a ‘Y’ around the base of the penis. Absorbable sutures are used to complete the multi-layer closure- there is no need to have sutures removed after surgery.

Safety and Risks

Bleeding is a concern after scrotal lift, so exertion should be limited (no exercise or heavy lifting) for 10 days following surgery.

Recovery process

Dressings are as simple as pads and antibiotic cream secured by a disposable diaper. Within a week of surgery you can wear normal underwear, and exercise is reasonable at two weeks after surgery. Full activities (including intercourse) at 6 weeks would be typical, but some patients are active sooner. Scrotal lift is not a painful procedure, and no impairment of penile sensation is associated with this procedure.


You can expect to see positive effects from your surgery immediately post-op, but a final cosmetic result may not be evident until a year after surgery, once scar redness has fully settled. Scrotal lift is one of our most rewarding surgical procedures if done for both functional as well as cosmetic purposes.

Bottom Line

We believe we offer the best scrotal lift surgery results in Toronto. Come in for a consultation, and you will leave wiser, and perhaps scheduled for a rewarding transformation.


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