Plastic Surgery Before & After Gallery

Fat grafting and Injection Treatments

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Fat grafting and Injection Treatments
Fat grafting and Injection Treatments

Fat grafts allow us to use your own tissue to add volume to areas that need to appear fuller.

Gynecomastia and Other Men's Surgery

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Gynecomastia and Other Men's Surgery
Gynecomastia and Other Men's Surgery

Skin, fat (pseudogynecomastia) and gland excess (gynecomastia) all can create conspicuous male breast enlargement. Stubborn areas of fat can defy all efforts at diet and exercise. Whatever the problem, we’re here to help!

Labiaplasty and Hymenoplasty

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Labiaplasty and Hymenoplasty
Labiaplasty and Hymenoplasty

Known also as Labiaplasty, Labioplasty or Labial Reduction, Labia reduction describes the surgical reduction of the labia minora at the entrance of the vagina. Enlarged or elongated labia can be a source of discomfort, limiting physical activity, clothing selection and sexual intercourse. Protuberant labia can also be a source of cosmetic distress, compromising self-esteem and confidence. Hymenoplasty is performed for cultural reasons.

Lip,Chin,Cheek,Dimples and other Facial

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Lip,Chin,Cheek,Dimples and other Facial
Lip,Chin,Cheek,Dimples and other Facial

Chin and Cheek Augmentation can be an effective way to create a more attractive and more youthful appearance. Bone surgery (osteotomies), silicone implant surgery, and injectable procedures all can contribute to this goal. Chubby cheeks are a problem for others, and for these patients we offer Buccal Fat Pad excision.


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Liposuction permanently removes fat cells, and thus permanently changes where you will accumulate fat.

Major Weight-Loss

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Major Weight-Loss
Major Weight-Loss

Major weight-loss can arise from significant lifestyle changes, bariatric surgery, or fluctuations in health status or medications. The residual skin and soft tissues (cutis pleonasmus) are a source of cosmetic and functional impairment, and an opportunity for life-changing improvements through plastic surgery.

Mommy Makeover

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Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy places a unique physical strain on a mother, and recovery after pregnancy is not always complete. A combination of abdominal and breast surgery to manage pregnancy-related changes is often termed a 'Mommy Makeover', although the components of the procedure are as unique as the Mommies!

Reconstructive Surgery

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Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery is intended to enhance normal features undergoing normal responses to ageing and environment. Procedures to restore normal form and function to tissues compromised by congenital disease, cancer, infection, and trauma (including surgery) are Reconstructive Surgery.


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Surgery to relieve cosmetic and functional problems related to excess scrotal laxity

Skin Treatments

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Skin Treatments
Skin Treatments

Skin discolouration and wrinkles from ageing and sun damage are common complaints. We offer prescription strength 'anti-ageing' creams, Dermaroller treatments for renewal of the skin dermis, and chemical peels for combination therapy.

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